Helping ADD / ADHD / INFJ with Mindset
INFJ Personality with ADD
I was finally diagnosed with ADD in my thirties. The impact this had on me was wonderful, as I finally understood my place in this world, which is full of neurotypical people. Full but not dominated by neurotypical people, of which there will be more a little later. I always knew I was different. My first clue was the dyslexia that I have had my life entire. My inability to navigate school, both academically and socially, had a major impact on me.
The only real anchor I had in life was sport, specifically Athletics and Rugby Union. They were my outlets. Athletics allowed me to indulge my preference for being alone and comfortable with my own company. Rugby Union gave me an outlet for my frustrations on being unable to cope with the other aspects of ‘normal’ life, including school and relating to other people, that I struggled with on a daily basis.
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‘Think and Grow Rich’
Then I discovered a piece of phenomenal knowledge and my world changed. I first read ‘Think and Grow Rich’ by Napoleon Hill when I was 15yrs old. I wasn’t exactly a typical 15yr old but my mind understood immediately the importance of what I was reading. The title is misleading in the sense that it is not about making money, although it is, but is much more than that. In my view and indeed in the view of Bob Proctor and many enormously successful people, this is a blueprint for success in life.
My Mentor Bob Proctor
Bob discovered ‘Think and Grow Rich’ when he was 26yrs old. He was a dysfunctional, undisciplined, uneducated young man with no future. As he said himself, “I was going downhill and gaining speed.” He transformed into a hugely successful and wealthy businessman, now doing business in over 100 countries around the world. How did this happen? He didn’t have an answer. All he knew was that this book was responsible. It took him almost 10yrs to figure out why.
He ended up working with a man by the name of Earl Nightingale, who was the protégé of the author Napoleon Hill, who wrote ‘Think and Grow Rich’. Bob then became Earl’s protégé. He finally understood how it all worked and why it had such an impact on him, a seemingly lost soul. When he understood this, he committed to teaching this to everyone for the rest of his life.
This is what ‘Thinking into Results’ is. It is a blueprint for living your life, successfully. Bob and Sandy have created an incredible 12 Step System, that unlocks half a century of Bob’s research on this blueprint.
Transformational Change
As Sandy told Larry King when she was being interviewed, “Most programs and trainings are based on the educational model of simply giving you more information to gather. The typical results that are experienced come from your conditioned way of thinking.” This conditioned way of thinking is not a catalyst for transformational change. Transformational change is about a new way of behaving and a new way of doing. This is what leads to new results. This understanding is critical. Transformational change emerges like a chick from an egg when you understand how you function internally.
For some reason, I understood this from the word go because this information suited how my brain worked as someone with ADD. So, I have something to share with you. Come closer because I want to whisper it to you. As someone with ADD/ADHD, you have an advantage because of ‘how’ your magnificent brain works with its ability to learn, understand and integrate this information.
We have an advantage over the neurotypicals! There is a reason why up to 30% of all entrepreneurs have ADD/ADHD. We have the ability to hyper focus on what we are interested in. Let that sink in. I will teach you, how to set and achieve goals, to a world class level in a way you never thought possible. We have a special skill set that is perfectly suited for ‘Thinking into Results’. For some reason, at the age of 15, I understood this and I have been using this for the last 38 years. I am now an expert in the art of setting and achieving goals.
INFJ Personality Type
In other breaking news, I am also an INFJ personality type, based on the Myers-Briggs (MBTI) personality type indicator. For those of you reading this who are typed INFJ, I can assure you that you are extremely lucky to have stumbled across this website, as I know you will have spent many years of introspection trying to figure out who you are and your place in this world. Well, I have some good news for you. Your dominant cognitive function of Introverted Intuition, is beautifully suited to learning and integrating this wonderful program, the 12 Step System ‘Thinking into Results’.
It gives you the tools to really learn about yourself to a very high level of understanding, which will open up your perception of what is possible in your life. It will also give you the tools to accomplishing your goals by helping you to externalise your carefully crafted internal plans. It will bring dynamism and momentum to your life. The INFJ Mindset is all about finding your vocation in life and then articulating it in your external world, in the form of a career that is both stimulating and satisfying, on all levels.
As an example, Mentoring is a perfect fit for me as an INFJ. When I first discovered Bob Proctor and Sandy Gallagher had converted, what I had learned all those years ago and have been using all my life, into an easily understood 12 step system called ‘Thinking into Results’, l myself, like Sandy when she first met Bob, was totally fascinated.
This is what I have been doing my whole life and why I am now working with Bob Proctor and Sandy Gallagher as a certified consultant. I left behind a great career in Nutrition in order to teach this full-time. Let me now teach you the art of setting and achieving goals, amongst many other things. They include how to really think, how to switch off the constant background noise of incessant thinking (and the anxiety that goes with it) and channel those thoughts in a very focused way. How to delve into the workshop of your mind and extract the ideas and creativity that will propel you forward in life.
Allow me and my great team here at Mindset Mentoring, along with Bob Proctor and Sandy Gallagher and their wonderful team at the Proctor Gallagher Institute, teach you the 12 Step System ‘Thinking into Results’. It will change your life forever. It is the best decision you will ever make. Be unstoppable. Be You!
The Proctor Gallagher Institute
Once you have made the decision to ‘Invest in You’, this transformational program will begin. You will be given access to the online campus at the Proctor Gallagher Institute, with your own personal password. This is available to you 24/7 365 days of the year. The 12 Step System of ‘Thinking into Results’, will be taught to you, via a series of video lessons, given by Bob Proctor and Sandy Gallagher themselves. I will be facilitating your learning process personally with a group zoom call every two weeks as we go through each lesson, one step at a time, on each individual call.
These calls will be archived for you to access at your convenience, if you are not available to join us. You will have the benefit of my 38yrs of experience to guide you, as you unlock the workshop of your mind on your journey to the destination of your choice. You will be simply astonished at what you are going to learn.
The Mindset Mentoring Academy
As an expert in the field of Mindset, which is the result of a lifelong fascination with all things related to this topic, I feel myself and my team here at Mindset Mentoring are uniquely placed to guide you to a life of success, whatever that may mean personally to you. You may even have a picture in your mind right now of what that success looks like and indeed feels like to you.
As you learn the 12 Step system ‘Thinking into Results’, you will spend 2 weeks learning and integrating each lesson, culminating in a total of 24 Weeks in the program. However, you will not have to wait 24 Weeks to see changes in your life. You will start to see and feel the change within you and in your life, in the first few weeks.
What you Receive
You will be fully supported in your understanding of each powerful lesson, as you will not be doing this alone. The information is so valuable and inspiring, it is very important to us that you feel fully supported. You will receive an absolutely excellent and fully comprehensive 205 page digital ‘Participant Learning Guide’ to ensure a clear and fully coherent learning experience, as everyone learns at their own pace.
Along with in-depth workbooks for each individual step, additional highly informative written notes exploring the topics included, accountability sheets to help you stay focused on your progress, you will also receive access to all 12 MP3 Audio Files which can be downloaded individually onto your phone to listen to anytime, anywhere.
Monthly Q&A’s
In addition to all this, you will also receive a special and unique invitation, every month, to participate in a group call with Bob Proctor himself, in the format of a Q&A session. These calls are absolutely priceless and invaluable, as Bob answers questions covering all aspects of this phenomenal 12 Step System of Success ‘Thinking into Results. Bob is the master teacher and you will be inspired and guided in so many ways. This alone is worth its weight in gold! You will receive this unique monthly invitation for 36 months.
You will also receive a special and unique invitation from myself, every two weeks, to participate in a group zoom call, in the format of a focused conversation on a particular step. No matter which step you are currently studying, you are encouraged to join us on the call, as each call is a unique learning experience. As Founder and CEO of Mindset Mentoring Ltd, I am very proud of the work that we do here at the academy and our goal is to guide you with as much care and attention as we possibly can.
But there’s more…
Some individuals literally fall in love with this transformational program so much, they go through the entire ‘Thinking into Results’ program several times. This additional option, for the entire 12 Lesson Video Series, is also available for you to do, free of charge, as many times as you like. As I like to say, you can choose to become a ‘master of the material’.
I cannot emphasis enough, the transformational and life enhancing impact that this enhanced learning process of personal integration will have on your ability to fully assimilate this phenomenal life changing system of information, as this knowledge is absolutely invaluable and profoundly life altering.
If you have teenage children, why not Mentor their Mindset yourself and put them through your course after you have finished? ‘Thinking into Results’ is the truly perfect introduction to life for teenagers. It will set them up beautifully from the very start, by teaching them the core skills of thinking, focusing, goal setting and achieving.
Most importantly, it will teach them Super Self Esteem, which is the most valuable characteristic and trait of all to have, when starting out in life. Teach them the gift of having trust and belief in themselves as they start their journey in life. Borrow my belief in you as a phenomenal human being and learn how to become truly unstoppable.
Join us here at The Mindset Mentoring Academy and become the real you that you always knew you were capable of becoming. On completion of your ‘Thinking into Results’ Program, you will receive a certified ‘Thinking into Results’ ‘Certificate of Completion’ from the Proctor Gallagher Institute. The only grades are the results in your life that you will have generated for yourself, your family and/or for your business.
Now for Some Really Amazing News…

Our BONUS Gift To You
A Free Ticket
To Our Next Gobal Three Day Live-Streaming Event
With Bob Proctor
For First 50 People Only… (€490 Value)
- The Science Of Getting Rich Program – This Course Will Empower You To Produce Wealth & Live The Life You Want… (€7,997 Value)
- Streaming Club – 1 Year All Access – Consistently GROW Your Income Through LIVE Private Coaching Sessions Every 2 Weeks… (€1,188 Value)
- Digital Workbook – This 210 Page Workbook Will Help Impart The Reality Of The Law Of Attraction Into Your Subconscious Mind… (€497 Value)
- 6 Minutes To Success – Receive A 6 Min Video Every Morning With Bite Size Success Tips On A Wide Range Of Topics Including Universal Laws, Money, Health, & Relationships… (€348 Value)
- Success Puzzle – Organize Your Goals And Lay Out The Specific Plan Of Action To Create Success In Every Area Of Your Life… (€195 Value)
- 12 Principles For Winning The Mind Game – Learn From My 50 Years Of Experience In How To Have Constant Victor In The Mind… (€149 Value)
- Fast & Awesome Support – (Value PRICELESS)
We have raised the bar on customer service and we are here and committed to help you with any questions you might have.
We have taken this decision to add these two packages together, the foundational 12 Step System ‘Thinking into Results’ along with ‘The Science of Getting Rich Complete Package’, to create what we believe to be the best value offer currently available on the world market in the area of personal and business development.
This is designed specifically to launch you, your family and your business on the path to real transformational change. This is all about ‘Peak Personal Performance Living’ and learning to thrive in these uncertain times.
Learn How The Mindset Mentoring Academy
Will Teach you this System of Success.
Useful and Important information on possible Tax Relief as a Business Owner OR as an Individual Client.
Mindset Mentoring Ltd is an Irish registered corporate entity which will be providing a professional service to you, our client. Our service is designed specifically as an educational training programme, which is geared to maximise the potential of You, your Staff and your Business. In line with issued legislation and the Irish Revenue Commissioners guidelines, if you are a registered Sole Trader, Partnership, Business or Corporate Entity and you avail of our service, this expense which is wholly and exclusively for the purpose of your business will be fully deductible as a business expense in your financial statements.
Please check your local tax code, in your country of origin, to confirm if you may also be eligible for this class of tax relief. As you would expect, all clients are provided with a Mindset Mentoring Ltd Company Invoice.
Individual clients purchasing this program from outside the EU are 100% exempt from VAT and therefore DO NOT pay the applicable VAT. If however you are an individual within the Republic of Ireland or the EU you will be obliged to pay the VAT.
Therefore, please feel free to contact us and we will be happy to send you a 10% Discount Code in order for you to avail of this phenomenal life changing program. I hope this information is of value to you.